Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
A treatise on the culture of goblins in Western Krosia. (With commentary by Of the Forge the Spark, an actual goblin.)
The Greatest of the Great Old Ones slept inside Erathia. The world was the egg of his rebirth. One day the Host of the Far Realm came to hatch him.
Floating islands on the Shattered Moon harbor the only life on that broken sphere.
A complicated ritual to raise one of the six lost moons into the sky while also birthing a new (or old) god.
The result of dryads bathing in hot springs, bottled and sold for consumption by the curious.
Daughter of Chagroth Durinhelm, this powerful psion sacrificed herself to turn the tide of the War Against the Far Realms.
Lokorn is an immense balete tree on the Shattered Moon. It anchors the Barrow Shard to the surface of the moon.
The third moon of Erathia is a silver icosahedron that rose a few short months after the Hidden Moon launched into the sky.
Mages use totems from other heavenly spheres to manipulate gravity to their whims.
Magitech gravity technology that allows airships to travel very quickly using the tidal power of the moons.
The Divine Gate seals off the world of Erathia from overt divine influence.
This magitech miracle has given the elves command of the heavens for more than a century.
This shard of the Shattered Moon contains the grave of the moon goddess Thaya, the great tree Lokorn, and the main fortress of the elves.
The Zone Authority's lead detective, Lim investigates the most difficult cases in the Zone.
Undisputed masters of ki and the martial arts. The Zone Authority realize that this makes them ideal policemen and detectives.
The Orrery is an immensely powerful magitech device that controls which world or plane appears in the Kirinal Pit.
Wizards become masters of arcane power through long years of intense study. With coordinated effort, they lead the way in the world's magitech revolution.
The wall on the rim of the Kirinal Pit is the first line of defense against possible invaders.
A group of moon worshipping vampires who helped found the Shattered Moon Coalition and avenge the death of the goddess Thaya.
The surviving lycans and shifters banded together to destroy those who killed their moon goddess and drove them into a killing frenzy.
The Great Old Ones invaded Erathia to crack it open and awaken the Sleeper, the most powerful of their kind. They were finally turned back when the gods exiled themselves and the Old Ones from the world.
Soldiers, guards, mercenaries, bandits, swashbucklers, and warriors. Fighters are everywhere.
These stewards of nature are tied to the divine magic of the world itself. They work to keep civilization in balance with nature.
The gods withdrew from the world and their voices have gone silent. But they sill manifest their power and their wishes through their clerics.
Powerful warriors from uncivilized lands. They rely on altered states of consciousness to defeat their foes.
Rangers hunt down dangerous invasive creatures, they serve as scouts, or they guide others through the wilderness.
The great weretiger druid Jazera dwells on the Lycan Shard. She hunts down those who slew her firstborn child.
Members of the criminal underworld thrive in the great metropolises of the Zone. Pirates and smugglers have plenty of targets on the trade routes through land, sea, and air.
Sorcerers are born with magic already inside them. They struggle to control the power of their birthright. Those who succeed can rise to positions of power and prominence. Those who fail perish.
The great serpent that ate six of the seven moons before being slain by Thaya, the last moon goddess. It returned as a weapon of the Far Realm during the Far War and succeeded in shattering her moon before they died in combat against each other.
The Inner Ring refers to both the railroad line circling around the Kirinal Pit 10-miles out from the Pit Wall and the area of the Zone between the Wall and Inner Ring.
The Outer Ring refers to the outermost railroad line of the Kirinal Concordance Zone as well as the area between the Inner Ring Line and the Outer Ring.
A field of mushrooms of all types and sizes ranging from tiny to larger than houses.
Title granted to the elf from the bloodline of House Heskiloth who dreams so that the elven race doesn't have to.
Weaponizing my ADHD for the good of humanity.
Hello, my name is Chris, but I go as kitoypoy all over the internet and it's become my WA handle slightly by accident!
I'm a Filipino-American living in Florida and I've been playing RPG's, mostly D&D on and off since the early 1980s.
I'm here on WorldAnvil to document the generic fantasy setting I came up with as a teenager and transform it into something unique to me. I'm taking my upbringing as a diasporic second generation Filipino and giving it a fantasy twist.
As I've iterated through my campaign world, updating it and changing it for each edition of D&D, it's become a living place. A world of immigrants and native-born working together to build a new future together.
Old traditions constantly butt up with new ways of living. The residents of my world struggle with holding on to the past while becoming better versions of themselves.
All that, plus weekly interdimensional invasions, skyships,and magic robots who just want to be loved!
Welcome to the World of Wizard's Peak! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Visit the Primer: KCZ to learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
Check out my challenge winning article: Ghost Boy.