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Fri Jul 1st - Sun Jul 31st

Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2022

Build your world, achieve your goals, GAIN UNLIMITED INSPIRATION!
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries!

Welcome to World Anvil’s WORLDBUILDING SUMMER CAMP 2022!

During Worldbuilding Summer Camp, we challenge you with 4 waves of worldbuilding prompts to get you motivated, inspired, and ready to worldbuild! Take part, grow your world, and win prizes!
Make sure you read the rules carefully so you know how everything works! You can also click the quick links below to jump to the section you need.

    Tune in to our livestreams on Twitch to get prompts before anyone else, get inspired, and win goodies from our sponsors!


The Prompts

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!


An ocean, desert, plain, pocket dimension, or other large expanse

Sponsored by Sebastiannos - Prize: $75 for World Anvil store

Α religion or organisation connected to a natural phenomenon

Sponsored by Barron - Prize: Cantrip Candles Gift Card - $40 USD

Α species that survives in an unlikely place

Sponsored by KOBOLD PRESS - Prize: 1 x Bundle of [Tome of Beasts PDF, Tome of Beasts 2 PDF, Kobold Guide to Monsters PDF]

Α vehicle or type of vehicle used for long journeys

Sponsored by GACUCon - Prize: D20 Cruise Portable Dice Tray or D20 Cruise Tabletop Token Set

Α settlement beside or in a great expanse

Sponsored by The Bearded Heathen - Prize: 1 Year Master Guild pass

Α material only harvestable from nature

Sponsored by Secere Laetes - Prize: World Anvil Gift $50 Card

Α culture who lives by, near or within an ocean, desert or other expanse

Sponsored by Deleyna - Prize: $100 gift certificate to Lawson Writers Academy

Α food that marks a rite of passage for a culture in your world

Sponsored by thechosenone - Prize: Copy of Ironrise

A settlement that leads the known world in something

Sponsored by TinkerTech

A military conflict resolved through excellent leadership

Sponsored by Dimitris

A building associated with governance, leadership or change

Sponsored by Sebastianos

An organization associated with governance, leadership or change

Sponsored by Tekrin

A profession associated with leaders in your world

Sponsored by BasicDragon - Prize: A mystery box of Worldbuilding and writing books

A title that commands respect from those in the know

Sponsored by hcraven - Prize: $100 toward WA subscription or HeroForge or I'm open to suggestions

A great leader of their people

Sponsored by WordiGirl - Prize: A promo bundle for your winning article that includes a special short video with music, a Read-Aloud narration, and a custom sticker inspired by the work.

A tradition or ceremony which confers an honor on someone

Sponsored by Kitoypoy - Prize: A bundle of 3 RPG's: Gubat Banwa, Navathem's End, and Maharlkia RPG

A settlement that was lost or discovered.

Sponsored by Janet - Prize: A digital copy of the dark Crystal RPG, and a copy of The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding Volume 2

An astonishing natural wonder.

Sponsored by Michael Chandra - Prize: $50 giftcard for either the World Anvil Shop or others.

A recently discovered, or rediscovered, species.

Sponsored by Timepool - A full color illustration, or graphic art, of the winning article.

A lost or discovered artifact of significance or power.

Sponsored by NORSE FOUNDRY - Prize: Gift Cards.

A technology lost, forgotten or shrouded in mystery.

Sponsored by Gamez - Prize: 3D printed DnD, Dice Tower & Castle & Labyrinth Secret Puzzle Box

A lost or discovered monument.

Sponsored by Sointex - A care package of Japanese snacks. Winner chooses savory, sweet or mix.If that's not OK, I'll buy them the GURPS Campaigns rulebook.

An explorer, researcher or other character motivated by discovery.

Sponsored by EliKwake - Prize: Up to 50,000 word manuscript formatting for print or epub book.

A travel log or other document associated with discovery.

Sponsored by shyredfox - Prize: Gift certificate of $50 to either JetPens or Notebook Therapy, winner’s choice.

A species considered monstrous by some

Sponsored by moonflower-writing - Prize: Anker Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Wireless Earbuds

A myth or urban legend about a "monster"

Sponsored by Tillerz - Prize: 3x $50 for the World Anvil Shop, DogMight, HeroForge, Modiphius, DriveThruRPG, or FrogGodGames!

A tradition which keeps monsters or bad luck away

Sponsored by usurperkings - Prize: A signed hardcover of Lieben Cycle #1: NEON Lieben.

A condition considered monstrous or "unlucky" by some

Sponsored by denversg1 - Prize: Any course from DND skills OR a $50 giftcard of winners choosing

An organization considered cruel or monstrous by some

Sponsored by Robotics5 - Prize: A custom article or world header.

A person considered villainous or monstrous

Sponsored by Theatricalscot - Prize: Set of 10 Eye Wonder Artistry Pop Culture Silhouart Prints

An artifact that embodies a hideous or monstrous idea

Sponsored by Ellysium - Prize: A printed and painted ghost candle prop from Loot Studios. I will print, paint, and add lights to it myself.

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!

It wouldn't be Summer Camp without our amazing sponsors! Check out the amazing folks that make this possible!


Sail the world's first gaming cruise with fellow gamers, cosplayers, and all-around nerds!

Norse Foundry

Dice, coins, shinies - oh my! Get the shiniest tabletop accessories for your inner dice goblin!

Kobold Press

Small but fierce, Kobold Press creates stunning Tabletop Gaming supplements and settings! Go check out the warrens.

How it works:

  • We release 31 prompts over the course of July.
  • These are split into four tiers, and will be released periodically throughout July 2022. They're shown first on our livestreams (1st, 9th, 16th, 23rd July, at 11am Pacific, 7pm UK) where we'll give writing tips and inspiration for each prompt, and raffles!
  • Once revealed on our livestream, prompts will be added to this competition page! You'll need to refresh the page for them to appear.
Submit each prompt (in any order), following the easy instructions on the right.   The more prompts you complete (starting at 8), the shinier the badge you get, and the more likely you are to win a sponsored prize from the Prize Draw!  

Join our community!

  One of the best things about Summer Camp is the community support - everyone rallies together on multiple platforms! You can find our community on Facebook, Reddit, and Discord.

- Use the Hashtag #WASummerCamp to share ideas and find one another!

- Want to fly the Summer Camp colours? Download our digital participation pack!

- Fancy streaming your worldbuilding summer camp? Download our streaming pack!

How to submit a prompt:

Submitting prompts is super easy! Just follow these steps:
  1. Create your World Anvil account (it's free!), or log in if you're already signed up
  2. Select a world (top left) or create a new one
  3. Scroll down on this page to the prompt buttons below, and just click one to create an article appropriate for that prompt
  4. Write at least 300 words in your article, and make sure that it's published (not a draft!) and public (not private).
  5. Uncollapse the Community Challenge panel on the right side (underneath publishing tools) and you'll see the SUBMIT button!
  6. To see your progress and completed prompts, click the "Check your progress" button on this page!

  Remember you:
  • CAN complete the prompts in any order you like
  • CAN join our communities on Discord, Facebook, or Reddit if you're stuck on a prompt. It's a great place to get advice!
  • MUST submit new, published (not draft) and public (not private) articles
  • SHOULD read through the full Rules & FAQ on this page carefully!

    Stream Schedule

    Tune in to our livestreams on Twitch to get prompts before anyone else, get inspired, and win goodies from our sponsors! We'll be live every Sunday at 7pm UK/11am Pacific with Summer Camp write-along streams.


    We give completion badges for all levels. If you've completed 8 prompts, you're a winner! 16 or more? Also a winner! Finished 24 of them? WINNER. Hungry for more and finished ABSOLUTELY ALL PROMPTS? You're a star!

    Complete 8 prompts and you've won Summer Camp with a copper badge!

    Complete 16 prompts and you've won Summer Camp with a silver badge!

    Complete 24 prompts and you've won Summer Camp with a gold badge!

    Complete all prompts (31) and you've won Summer Camp with a diamond badge!


    There are thousands of dollars of prizes to be won over Summer Camp in our WINNER’S PRIZE DRAW!
      Each winner tier (Copper, Silver, Gold and Diamond) will have its own prize draw, and the biggest prizes will be in Gold and Diamond. So for a chance to win the shiniest things, make sure you complete as many prompts as possible!   Some of our incredible prizes include:  


    These are the additional badges that will be awarded in the Summer Camp Awards Ceremony this year! Some will be chosen by the community voice, and others are awarded by Janet and Dimitris, World Anvil's founders.

    Most Improved

    Awarded to someone voted as showing great progress with the quality of their worldbuilding!

    Most Helpful Camper

    Awarded to someone voted as helping, guiding, and encouraging others in the community!

    Most Inspiring World

    Awarded to the world votes as the most inspiring worldbuilding during Summer Camp!

    Human of the Match

    Awarded by World Anvil to an all-round good spirit of Summer Camp - we see you!
    Please note that these badges are NOT influenced by wordcount or likes! (Read the FAQ for more info). We encourage you to help others and to only compete against YOURSELF! Grow your world, become a friendly face in the community, and be your best self! Now grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!



    Challenge begins: 1st July 2022, 7pm UK time, 11am Pacific time
    Challenge ends: 31st July 2022, 8pm UK time, 12pm Pacific time

    The Basic Rules

    Complete the prompts in any order you like. The challenge deadline is final.   You must use the indicated worldbuilding template for each prompt.   Each article must be new (created during July 2022), and created using your own original content.   The submission button will appear once your article is:
  • 300 words or more
  • public (not private)
  • published (not draft)
  • Uncollapse the Community Challenge panel on the right side of the edit screen to reval the Submit button, and click to enter your submission!  

    The Detailed Rules

    To be eligible for the prizes from our amazing sponsors, make sure you follow the detailed rules!
    • No plagiarism.
    All content must be your own new worldbuilding. Please reference any external sources if you use them!
    • No art theft.
    You must have permission to use any art you post publically on World Anvil, and all art must be credited using the artist credit fields or in the article footer. We are very strict on this, as publishing art which is not your own can result in artists taking legal action against you!

    Top tip: For images you can use check out our resources below!  
  • 5 best character portrait resources
  • 5 best city map image resources
  • 5 best landscape resources
  • More free art resources for worldbuilding

  • For more information on Copyright, please read our Copyright page.  
    • Creating and using multiple accounts will result in disqualification.
    Use of multiple accounts is against the World Anvil Terms of Service. Only one account per person may enter the challenge.
    • Meta, meme, blog and other non-worldbuilding articles may not be submitted as answers to the prompts.
    • Abusing the site features to increase wordcount will result in disqualification.

    Questions & Feedback

    If you've read through all the rules, checked the FAQ section on the right, and still have questions or feedback, here are some ways you can reach us!   contact [at] - send us an email!
    Twitter - drop us a DM!
    Discord - hop into the help or Summer Camp channels and ping the @Community Team!  

    The Awards Ceremony

    At the end of August, we'll throw an AWARDS CEREMONY! If you've won a prize, this is where you'll hear about it! The event will also feature bumper raffles and a costume competition!

    Resources & Guides

    Feeling stuck and need some inspiration? We've got you covered:    


    • How do I enter?
    Make sure you've created and activated a world, then click a prompt button on this page to start an article. Once you have written at least 300, publish your article so that it's public and not a draft. Now you're ready to submit! Uncollapse the Community Challenge panel on the right to reveal the submit button, and click to submit your prompt!  
    • How can I see my wordcount?
    Your wordcount will be visible in the metadata of each article. In the edit screen, this is available under Advanted Tools and Options. Click the blue text on the right side on the interface to reveal the dropdowns, and click on the Metadata title to expand it!  
    • How do I reset the date of a stub article?
    If you have a stub article (i.e. an article under 50 words) created before Summer Camp, you can reset the date of it using the following method:
      • View your stub articles by going to Articles & Categories, then clicking "Stub Articles"
      • Open a stub article in the edit interface, and expand "Open Advanced Tools & Options" on the right side.
      • Click the "SPECIAL ACTIONS" tab to reveal the Reset Date button. Clicking this will update the creation date of the article to the current date. You can then fill it in and submit as normal

    • Can I enter with articles in different worlds?
    Yes! Make sure you select the world you want (dropdown menu on the top left), then click one of the prompt buttons.  
    • Can my co-authors take part?
    Yes! This challenge is per-user, not per-world.  
    • Can I write my articles in a different language?
    Yes! If you become eligible for a prize, we'll use automatic translation to check that it falls within the guidelines and is eligible for the prize.  
    • Can I submit old/existing articles?
    No. The goal of this challenge is to expand your worldbuilding and push your creativity! Only new articles will be eligible.  
    • Where can I promote and share my work?
    EVERYWHERE! Check out our advice on how get more readers on your work! Sharing work in a thread of Tweets, posting articles on subReddits, forums and Facebook groups is a great idea! And of course, hop into our Discord server - just make sure to read the rules pinned in the challenge channel!  
    • Why must my articles be published and public?
    If you become eligible for a digital or physical prize, we will need to check your work to see that you have not broken any rules.  
    • When can I make my submitted articles private?
    If you wish to be eligible for a prizes and badges, your articles will need to remain public until the Summer Camp 2022 Awards Ceremony in August 27th. Private articles will result in winners losing their prizes, as we cannot verify their work falls within the rules.  
    • When is it safe to delete one of my submitted articles?
    After the digital badges have been distributed after the competition closes, it will be safe to delete an entry you've submitted. Doing so before then may result in you receiving either the incorrect badge, or no badge at all, as the system counts the number of prompts you completed.  
    • How do I remove my entry?
    Edit your article, and remove it from the challenge the same way that you added it! You can then enter a different article, if you wish.  
    • Can I keep editing my submitted articles?
    You may continue editing your submitted articles until the deadline. Edits made after the deadline and before the Summer Camp Awards Ceremony may disqualify you from prizes. Make sure the articles stay over 300 words and public to stay eligible. After the Awards Ceremony you can do whatever you like with your articles!!  
    • Do I have to use the specific prompt templates?
    Yes! But you can use them however you like! You can write only in the vignette - the main section of the template - if you don't want to answer the different fields on the template.  
    • Can I do Summer Camp as an artist?
    Yes! Upload your artwork to your image gallery, then copy & paste its image code into your article. You'll still need to write 300 words to accompany the artwork in order to submit it. Consider describing what you've drawn/painted, how it works in your world, and how it connects to other things.  
    • I won a prize! How do I claim it!
    Tune into the Awards Ceremony on World Anvil's Twitch channel on the 27th of August to find out if you won! We'll also be releasing the complete list of winners in a blog post, containing full instructions to claim your prize. You'll have TWO WEEKS to get us your details, so keep your eyes open! Unclaimed prizes are forfeit and redistributed at World Anvil's discretion.