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Basic Roleplaying System

Name Rosetta Izumi
Gender female
Species fireborn
Profession noble
Wealth Level average
Gods / Religion
Reputation 50
Movement (MOV) 10
Handedness ambidextrous
Age 17
Height 5 ft, 10 in
Weight 190 lb.
Distinctive Features
STR 50 Effort Roll 250 %
CON 7 Stamina Roll 35 %
SIZ 9 Damage Modifier +3d6
INT 80 Idea Roll 400 %
POW 20 Luck 100 %
DEX 4 Agility Roll 20 %
CHA 50 Charm Roll 250 %
EDU 70 Knowledge Roll 350 %
Hit Points (HP)
Current / Max50 /
Major Wound 0
Sanity Points (SP)
Current / Max /
Fatigue Points (FP)
Current / Max /
Power Points (PP)
Current / Max /
Name % C
Communication -4  
Bargain 5 %
Command 5 %
Disguise 4 %
Etiquette 5 %
Fast Talk 5 %
Perform 5 %
Persuade 15 %
Status 15 %
Teach 9 %
Manipulation 0  
Demolition 1 %
Fine Manipulation 5 %
Sleight of Hand 5 %
Name % C
Mental 0  
Appraise 15 %
First Aid 30 %
Gaming 5 %
Literacy 0 %
Medicine 5 %
Strategy 1 %
Perception 0  
Insight 5 %
Listen 25 %
Navigate 10 %
Research 25 %
Sense 10 %
Spot 25 %
Track 10 %
Name % C
Physical 0  
Climb 40 %
Fly 16 %
Hide 10 %
Jump 25 %
Projection 8 %
Stealth 10 %
Swim 25 %
Throw 25 %
Combat 0  
Dodge 8 %
Martial Arts 1 %
Weapons (+3d6)
Type % Damage Range Attacks Length Hand HP C
Type AV
Shield Type % Damage HP C
Character Points
Campaign Power Level Character Points
Character Failings Points
Personality Traits
Aggressive 10 % Passive 90 %
Brave 30 % Cowardly 70 %
Clever 67 % Dull 33 %
Conservative % Innovative 100 %
Curious 49 % Incurious 51 %
Dependable 65 % Unreliable 35 %
Emotional 5 % Calm 95 %
Energetic 50 % Lazy 50 %
Extrovert 80 % Introvert 20 %
Greedy 0 % Generous 100 %
Honest 100 % Dishonest 0 %
Honorable 99 % Dishonorable1 %
Humorous 59 % Dour 41 %
Impulsive 46 % Cautious 54 %
Leader 31 % Follower 69 %
Optimistic 100 % Pessimistic 0 %
Patient 100 % Nervous 0 %
Physical 50 % Mental 50 %
Pious 0 % Irreligious 100 %
Stubborn 30 % Receptive 70 %
Trusting 80 % Suspicious 20 %
Basic Roleplaying System © by Chaosium, Inc.
Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-08-05

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Statblock Type

